Arizona Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran Bishops Exhort Clergy to Engage in Parish Leadership Development

1409-PCIC-Interfaith-Council-Event.jpgBishops Gerald Kicanas (Roman Catholic), Kirk Smith (Episcopal) and Stephen Talmage (Lutheran) gathered before a crowd of 60 clergy in Tucson to inform them of ways congregations can work together for the common good.  Bishop Kicanas shared his own experience of attending an IAF leadership training institute and suggested that clergy would be “well-served by attending similar trainings this fall in Phoenix and in Yuma.”

Lutheran Bishop Talmage concluded the session with with an invitation to the clergy to do listening sessions in their congregations and focus on the development and training of young leaders to both transform their communities and their parishes.  The event was put together by the Pima County Interfaith Council and the Arizona Interfaith Network.

[Photo Credit: New Vision Online]

Interfaith Council Hosts Discussion on Systematic ChangeThe New Vision Online

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