Leaders from the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Learn How to Put Their Faith Into Action

1706_-_CCHD_-_Training_in_Galveston-Houston_-_Cropped_Again.jpgIn Spanish-language leadership development training delivered in collaboration with TMO (The Metropolitan Organization), the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), 80 Houston-area leaders learned about the mission of the church and the responsibility to put their faith into action. 

Leaders drew on Pope Francis’ words for inspiration, from a speech delivered at the 2nd World Meeting of Popular Movements (October 2015):

Quisiera volver a unir mi voz a la de ustedes: tierra, techo y trabajo para todos nuestros hermanos y hermanos. Lo dije y lo repito: son derechos sagrados. Vale la pena luchar por ellos.”  

The training was co-sponsored by the Interfaith Education Fund.


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